Neon Albums Neon General Information Neon was the specialist progressive label set up by RCA at the time when all the majors were doing something similar. RCA was actually a little slow off the mark - the first Neon album was released in 1971. Although some of the records are rather fine and have the attractive gatefold sleeves, they sold poorly. All the eleven albums are now collectable. The Releases (only LP's) Number Artist Title 01 Fairweather Beginning from an End 02 Brotherhood of Breath Brotherhood of Breath 03 Indian Summer Indian Summer 04 Tonton Macoute Tonton Macoute 05 Dando Shaft Dando Shaft 06 Spring Spring 07 Shape of the Rain Riley, Riley, Wood & Waggett 08 Raw Material Time is 09 Centipede Septober Energy 10 Mike Westbrook Metropolis 11 Running Man Running Man Other releases There are other albums released on the Neon label. Those releases aren't as collectable as the ones stated above. As far as we know all the stated releases are of Italian origin Well, here is an overview on other releases on Neon. number Artists Title NE12 Quintessence Self NE20 Soft machine Bundles NE21 the Who By numbers NE22 Soft machine Softs Some 7" singles number Artists Title NE 1000 Fairweather Lay it on me/Looking for the red label NE 1003 Quintessence Sweet Jesus/You never stay the same